<body> Lovely
...Hey, Stranger

Hey :]
I'm a 13 year old girl from Beauuutiful Asia :]. I'm living in a muslim country even though i'm not. I'm a Chinese buddhist. My Grandfather moved from China to Brunei to start a culinary business <-- Fancy word for restaurant :P anyways, I'm studying the year 1O syllabus this year of 2O1O :]] I'm a student of ****** College :D I hate waking up early.. so I hate school.... I have 2 brothers [but they act so gay I call them my sisters] Haa x] jking... I have 5 dogs and 1 turtle at homeee~ I don't live in a big house but it'll do :] I play Stardoll, RuneScape and other stuff.. If you want, you can ask me for my adds :D


Travel around the world <3


  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010

  • ...Talkative people xD


    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Tuesday 2 February 2010

    Okay. So i decided not to do century gothic font anymore since i'm really too lazy. If you're a morning class student, you'd know the feeling of waking up everyday at 6 when you just really wanna smash your head back onto that soft pillow. Don't deny it. It's what every morning class student feels.

    So when i got to school I think i almost fell asleep half way walking to class :\

    First period Physics i think. Okay lah.. Can tahan... At first i didn't know what to dooo ): I was like, huh? what? what am i supposed to do with this? Err..
    But in the end i found it really fun (: And in the end we decided to just randomly pick the numbers as there wasn't enough time T-T

    BM: Thank goodness for the supply teacher ): I think that if our actual teacher came, I'd die of fear. But i'm rather disappointed cause if she really was there we might have gotten out test papers back ):

    English was alright :D Test was okay lah. Can't say easy cause i don't think i'll get 100% )):

    TEA I was like rushing to do A Maths homework hahaha. Seriously, that teacher is sooo mean now that i look at him.

    Chemistry. I must admit it was interesting (: But now, i've completely forgot what Ck yani taught us today ? :]

    IRK. We had a supply teacher yesterday AND today ): Where's Ck Ridha? I fell asleep in today's lesson. But lucky the teacher today not strict :o Hmm.. now that i think about it, Ck Mahmud [today's IRK supply teacher] looks kinda like Ck Mubarak :o


    Biology was alright. Onion cells. Microscope. Need i say more? IDAH. I don't care if we can see the nucleus in your cells =.= gimme a break already.


    I got Malay tuition later, some more? I hate my school life. And i hate my tuition life too ):<

    See ya Soon,



    the beauty exposed ;