<body> Lovely
...Hey, Stranger

Hey :]
I'm a 13 year old girl from Beauuutiful Asia :]. I'm living in a muslim country even though i'm not. I'm a Chinese buddhist. My Grandfather moved from China to Brunei to start a culinary business <-- Fancy word for restaurant :P anyways, I'm studying the year 1O syllabus this year of 2O1O :]] I'm a student of ****** College :D I hate waking up early.. so I hate school.... I have 2 brothers [but they act so gay I call them my sisters] Haa x] jking... I have 5 dogs and 1 turtle at homeee~ I don't live in a big house but it'll do :] I play Stardoll, RuneScape and other stuff.. If you want, you can ask me for my adds :D


Travel around the world <3


  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010

  • ...Talkative people xD


    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday 29 January 2010

    ємιℓу αи∂ ∂уℓαи

    I luff you guys so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    Emily Ixlia♥:

    My BESTIE. I met her at **This information is confidential ;]**. She’s awesome. You have a sense of humor. And that’s what I like about you ;]

    No one is allowed to touch her. She’s mine and that’s the way it’s gonna be. I’m taller though even though she’s like 6 years older than me. ( I’m 13 :[ )

    David *:

    You… You MOD >:[

    Dylan is such a show-off.

    My Hitpoints level is 99.

    My Range level is 99.


    His name is David but I love to call him Dylan ♥♥♥ Gonna try to get used to calling him David though :[ He’s one year younger than me but a helluva lot better than me at almost EVERYTHING.


    And I know I’ve only done this to you *heart break symbol* [typing it out cause blogger won't let me post it :( ]

    I still ♥ you. OMG hahaha! Totally contradicting my previous statement. CRUD, I’m talking like a MOD. GARGGHH!!

    Hahaha. ♥ you as a friend. No you still can’t hug me. You’re much stronger and bigger and you could crush me >_>

    Okay I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you guys!! If you don’t believe me, I’ll kill you in your sleep ;D

    See ya Soon,


    the beauty exposed ;