<body> Lovely
...Hey, Stranger

Hey :]
I'm a 13 year old girl from Beauuutiful Asia :]. I'm living in a muslim country even though i'm not. I'm a Chinese buddhist. My Grandfather moved from China to Brunei to start a culinary business <-- Fancy word for restaurant :P anyways, I'm studying the year 1O syllabus this year of 2O1O :]] I'm a student of ****** College :D I hate waking up early.. so I hate school.... I have 2 brothers [but they act so gay I call them my sisters] Haa x] jking... I have 5 dogs and 1 turtle at homeee~ I don't live in a big house but it'll do :] I play Stardoll, RuneScape and other stuff.. If you want, you can ask me for my adds :D


Travel around the world <3


  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010

  • ...Talkative people xD


    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Monday 8 March 2010

    Thar ya go! :]

    Starbucks!! My Caramel Frappucino. [almost finished hahaha!] Cost me RM13.15 =.= very expensive lehh..

    The road to Miri. Looks very nice, the view. S'why I took a picture of it :P

    These two photos are of my hats and the model: Beatrice hahaha! :}
    Yah, it's a piggy hat :/ Sorry to all Muslims >.<

    This is my Tigger hat :]
    Suits her better bahaha!

    There's one more Picture.
    But i'm not showin` it no more :}

    the beauty exposed ;

    Sunday 7 March 2010

    Hey you guys! So... I told you I'd be showing pictures of Chinese New year and Miri sooo.. Here they are!!
    When I went to bai nian my aunt's friend,
    they had this cute dog! I couldn't resist taking picture xD

    This is my cute and so ambok-like cousin Beatrice on the 1st
    Day of CNY! Cute right! Takes after me, mah.. HAHAHA
    Whateverr lah :D
    Very unclear. I knoww :[

    Actually got loads more CNY pics I just really malas to get the Camera... Sorry! :P

    Trip to Miri!

    This is in Kuala Belait i think :D
    Teapot round-about! haha

    This is my 26-year-old cousin Tracy Lim :) I was with her, my aunt, my mom and grandma when we went to Miri hahaha xD All girls roadtrip YEAHH!! :P
    I'll post the other pictures in the next post.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Saturday 6 March 2010

    Hey :D

    It's Sunday Todayy~
    Yesterday, was our school's cross-country. It was sweaty, tiring and just simply horrible..

    Good thing I didn't attend :D
    Thaaaat's riiight~

    I spent my day in Miri!
    It was so fun! I bought the three most awwshumm hats!
    I'd show you but I.. I can't find my phone >:(

    I swear I don't lose my things. They run away from me...



    I'm gonna rip that phone apart...

    And Brandon's Computer has a virus! Hahaha! That'll teach the computer addict!!

    Anyways, I had a great time in Miri! The trip there was fun. We went to get a bite at Kuala Belait before we got to Miri...

    Then, when we DID get there... Ermm... we.. i think we went to the store where we buy all the Jossticks and Incense paper for burning in Buddhism :]
    I love that store because there's always something new we can burn [I.E paper Phones, watches, clothes, cars and even GAS STATIONS! :D ]

    In buddhism,
    we believe that if we burn something, our dearly beloved who's passed on will receive them in the 'other' realm.
    All products are made of paper of course. Who in their right mind would burn a real phone...

    Then we went to eat BAK KUT TEH at Good Taste Bak Kut Teh Restaurant hahaha! I loved it!! Delish~

    After that, we went to Imperial Mall and that's where I bought my FABULOUS hats! [Store: Worldwide]
    I Love that store! The next time I visit Miri, I'll be sure to visit that store again with my pocket full of $$.
    All in all, I spent around RM80+++ on those 3 hats. I'll be sure to take pictures of my little cousins wearing them hahaha (y)

    After that we went to Parkson [ I was wearing one of my hats there! hahaha. Quite a few people thought I looked.. weird? hehe!! x] ]
    We looked around then we went to Starbucks. I love the Tiramisu Cake even though it was so expensive (RM9.50 per slice!)

    I bought Starbucks' Caramel Frappucino. My cousin, Tracy, thought it was a bit too overly extra sweet. But I thought it was okay :D After all, I
    do have a sweet tooth :DD

    We went home at around 6:30 PM and reached home at 7:?? PM. I was so glad to be able to go home because my feet started to hurt [I was wearing 2 inch heels] slept throughout most of the trip back home It was a great day.

    I'm feeling terrible now though [cold]

    I hate my body!! It's so vulnerable! Always catching colds, making me feel so terrible!!

    And I still haven't found my phone yet!

    I'm going to go look for it! Bye``


    the beauty exposed ;

    Thursday 4 March 2010

    Hai :]

    I've decided to post something on Chinese New Year [even though it's already over...]
    I didn't get to take any during our open house :[ We rarely do... Cause.. you know.. we're lazy to.. :P

    and i did gamble :)
    In the end, i had 20 bucks in my pocket ^o^
    But then everyone like 'bo lui liao' Bahahaha!
    So i kasian them a bit lahh... Give them $$ a bit T-T
    I also took pictures of the deck of cards we were playing :) [ It was Playboy! Cuute xD ]
    But it's on the camera and i'm a bit malas to go and get it -__-
    haha :D

    Maybe the next post, then i'll post it...
    Also a new year picture :)

    But it won't post soo.. see 1st lah...


    I've just gotten a cold


    If you have a cold,

    Just drink hot milk

    [note that my 'hot milk' means condensed milk stirred in hot water :) ]

    Works everytime (Y)

    Haa xD

    I know it sounds weird but it really does make you feel better!


    the beauty exposed ;

    Tuesday 2 March 2010

    Hi :) I can't believe it's been one whole month since I've blogged hahaha. Sorry you guys :P But you know me... I can get seriously lazy if i want to ;]

    Today, I woke up at 6:12 AM. I hate waking up early!

    Biology was.... so-so larr.... Boleh Tahan :D I'm... Not quite sure what we were discussing :O I'm stupid that way :3

    English was, how to say ah.... Boring. Read a book. Wow. Great form of education (Y) I'm got in a grumpy mood that period caz i was looking forward to getting my Test results back :'(


    Today, we had to sit for 3 TESTS!! IN A ROW! []:<<>:D WHOOO

    Physics was like... Har? Sorry but... I don't think i'm gonna get a good score in that one *sigh*

    Bahasa Melayuuu.... Wow... It was not easy.. not hard...


    To add it all up, it was a pretty boring day :]


    the beauty exposed ;

    Tuesday 2 February 2010

    Okay. So i decided not to do century gothic font anymore since i'm really too lazy. If you're a morning class student, you'd know the feeling of waking up everyday at 6 when you just really wanna smash your head back onto that soft pillow. Don't deny it. It's what every morning class student feels.

    So when i got to school I think i almost fell asleep half way walking to class :\

    First period Physics i think. Okay lah.. Can tahan... At first i didn't know what to dooo ): I was like, huh? what? what am i supposed to do with this? Err..
    But in the end i found it really fun (: And in the end we decided to just randomly pick the numbers as there wasn't enough time T-T

    BM: Thank goodness for the supply teacher ): I think that if our actual teacher came, I'd die of fear. But i'm rather disappointed cause if she really was there we might have gotten out test papers back ):

    English was alright :D Test was okay lah. Can't say easy cause i don't think i'll get 100% )):

    TEA I was like rushing to do A Maths homework hahaha. Seriously, that teacher is sooo mean now that i look at him.

    Chemistry. I must admit it was interesting (: But now, i've completely forgot what Ck yani taught us today ? :]

    IRK. We had a supply teacher yesterday AND today ): Where's Ck Ridha? I fell asleep in today's lesson. But lucky the teacher today not strict :o Hmm.. now that i think about it, Ck Mahmud [today's IRK supply teacher] looks kinda like Ck Mubarak :o


    Biology was alright. Onion cells. Microscope. Need i say more? IDAH. I don't care if we can see the nucleus in your cells =.= gimme a break already.


    I got Malay tuition later, some more? I hate my school life. And i hate my tuition life too ):<

    See ya Soon,



    the beauty exposed ;

    Friday 29 January 2010

    ємιℓу αи∂ ∂уℓαи

    I luff you guys so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    Emily Ixlia♥:

    My BESTIE. I met her at **This information is confidential ;]**. She’s awesome. You have a sense of humor. And that’s what I like about you ;]

    No one is allowed to touch her. She’s mine and that’s the way it’s gonna be. I’m taller though even though she’s like 6 years older than me. ( I’m 13 :[ )

    David *:

    You… You MOD >:[

    Dylan is such a show-off.

    My Hitpoints level is 99.

    My Range level is 99.


    His name is David but I love to call him Dylan ♥♥♥ Gonna try to get used to calling him David though :[ He’s one year younger than me but a helluva lot better than me at almost EVERYTHING.


    And I know I’ve only done this to you *heart break symbol* [typing it out cause blogger won't let me post it :( ]

    I still ♥ you. OMG hahaha! Totally contradicting my previous statement. CRUD, I’m talking like a MOD. GARGGHH!!

    Hahaha. ♥ you as a friend. No you still can’t hug me. You’re much stronger and bigger and you could crush me >_>

    Okay I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you guys!! If you don’t believe me, I’ll kill you in your sleep ;D

    See ya Soon,


    the beauty exposed ;